General Dentistry
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At your appointment we examine:
- Your teeth
- Gums and soft tissues
- Oral Cancer check
- Cleaning habits
We advise on oral hygiene care and recommend when you are due for your next examination this can range from 3 month to 2 years (1 year for children)
Why do you need X-rays? We routinely take X-rays as required.
We use these to check areas we cannot see to look for:
- Tooth decay
- Infection
- Bone levels
- Un-erupted teeth
- During root canal treatment
It has been shown that the effective cleaning of patients teeth, supported by a dental professional, offers the best chance of not only keeping your teeth longer but also avoids inflammation found in the mouth and gums from worsening other issues such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Through appropriate support, our hygienist team will direct your home care and also provide you with the clinical care you need to maintain healthy gums.
Fillings are used to restore cavities in teeth. The main causes are tooth decay, cracked or broken teeth and damages caused by tooth grinding, nail biting and trauma.
Amalgam - Silver
These are the most common type of fillings placed; they contain a mixture of metals and offer strength and durability.
Composite Fillings
Otherwise known as white fillings, we use the latest materials and techniques to fix your broken tooth and make it look as natural and strong as we can. Placing these fillings can often take longer, but they set and are ready to use straight away.
Glass Ionomer
These are mainly used on children as they release fluoride which helps to prevent further tooth decay.
Tooth Removal
This is the last resort but if you require a tooth out we will:
- Explain the options you have moving forward and gain your consent
- Provide Local anaesthetic to numb you tooth and surrounding are to make sure you do not experience any discomfort during the procedure
- We will make sure everything has settled before you leave the surgery
- We will send you home with post extraction instructions
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is carried out on the non visible part of your tooth when infection is present.
Root canal treatment can cure toothache and help you save your tooth.
The infected area is cleaned with special instruments and rinses.
Root canal treatment should feel no different than having a normal filling except it will take more than one visit.
A crown is placed on top of your existing tooth.
Crowns are made in a dental laboratory they require a preparation & impression appointment and a fitting appointment.
Metal Crown
This type of crown is usually used on back teeth and is silver in colour although gold is also available at an extra cost.
Metal & Porcelain Crown
This type of crown has a metal inner core with a porcelain outer surface for a more natural appearance.
Porcelain or Ceramic Crown
This type of crown has the most natural look but are more complex to make so are often more expensive.
A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain or composite -and is placed in a similar fashion to a false nail.
Veneers can be used instead of orthodontic treatment to give an effect of straight teeth.
They are painless and only need minimal preparation.
Veneers are made in a dental laboratory they require a preparation & impression appointment and a fitting appointment.
Dentures & Dental Bridges
These are both solutions to the same problem... missing teeth. Principally they offer patients the ability to retain their smile but lets not forget they also help you to eat and effectively digest food.
A denture is a removable plate which holds artificial teeth.
A denture is made in a dental laboratory and takes up to four visits to be made these are:
- Visit 1 Impressions
- Visit 2 2nd Impressions and measure your bite
- Visit 3 Try in of a wax replica of your plate
- Visit 4 fitting your denture
Acrylic Denture
This is a plastic rigid denture which is the most common denture made. This can hold any number of teeth and can be added to easily.
Cobalt Chrome Denture
This is a metal plate or frame denture this can be easier to tolerate but is stronger than an acrylic denture.
Valplast Denture
Strong flexible plastic denture mainly used to fill single spaces.
Bridges are fixed on your natural teeth.
Bridges are suitable to fill small spaces and are reliant on good oral hygiene.
Bridges are made in the dental laboratory and require one visit for preparation and one vist for fitting.